Yakky Doodle Model Sheet - ID: mayyakky19095

Yakky Doodle Model Sheet - ID: mayyakky19095 Hanna Barbera


Art Type:

Image Size: 
8.5" x 9.5"
Price: $75.00
SKU: mayyakky19095

An original photostat model sheet from the "Yakky Doodle" segment of the Hanna Barbera animated series "The Yogi Bear Show" (1961-1962). Featuring a few delightful illustrations of Yakky, the model sheet was created at the studio and used by animators as a reference tool during production, in order to ensure consistent character design. This model sheet appears to be created using the photostat method on a slightly heavier weight paper. Measuring 10.5"x12.5" overall, with the character image measuring 8.5"x9.5", the model sheet is in very good condition with page discoloration due to age and minor creasing throughout.

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