Mickey Mouse Original Holiday Card Design - ID: julydisneyland17557

Mickey Mouse Original Holiday Card Design - ID: julydisneyland17557 Disneyana



Art Type:

Image Size: 
9.5" x 6.5"
Price: $600.00
SKU: julydisneyland17557

An original design for a Christmas card created at Walt Disney Studios in 1978. Featuring a charming illustration of Mickey Mouse in a traditional Santa Claus costume, the card design was created at the WED Department by artist Gerry Matthews. The back side of the design has a typed up label with information relating to the year the design was created, as well as the date the department ordered the manufactured cards featuring the design. Measuring 9.5"x 6.5" overall, the piece is in very good condition with some tape around the edge, likely from a previous framing or storage of the piece. There is also some aging seen in the piece in the form of light discoloration.

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